We know it is busy in the lead up to Christmas, but more people than ever are wanting to take time to learn about the environment and take positive action on climate change. In response to this growing community interest, the Dunoon Area Alliance and Dunoon CARS project have teamed up to put together 'Forward to a Greener Dunoon’ event on the historic Dunoon Pier on Saturday 11th December from 10am to 3pm.
Come into town for your ‘Love Local’ Christmas shopping, visit the Dunoon Presents Christmas Fair in Argyll Gardens, then pop along the pier to find out about ‘Green’ initiatives around town:
learn about improvement grants from Home Energy Scotland
take part in a beach clean with the Grab Trust at 11am
visit the Bike Doctor and hear more about Bike Security from Police Scotland
chat to Dunoon Bothy project about e-bikes and led cycle rides
meet local people developing community food growing projects
find out more about Dunoon Area Alliance - a new community development trust for Dunoon supporting place-based regeneration
learn about Beach Huts and Green Maps from local design agency Tacit Tacit.
The American Years Revisited group will be providing talks and walks of Castle Hill and you can also find out about volunteering opportunities with Castle House Museum.
We will add more information as details are confirmed. Take a bit of time to think about climate change and come along for a blether!