We are delighted to share the news that Rhyddian Knight has been appointed as Dunoon Bothy Co-ordinator with Cycling UK to support and encourage everyday walking and cycling here in Dunoon.
This new Dunoon Bothy project is a direct result of Cycle Friendly Dunoondiscussions organised by Dunoon Area Alliance, which led to this partnership project between Cycling UK and Argyll & Bute Council and supported by DAA. The project will use Transport Scotland Smarter Choices Smarter Places grant funding to work with volunteers and community groups, the aim being to encourage smarter travel to build a healthier, happier and cleaner community that people want to explore
The project will follow the Cycling UK 'Bothy' model already in action in Inverclyde and Ardrishaig. Rhyddian will be working part time (Mondays & Tuesdays) and his contact details are:
Rhyddian Knight Dunoon Bothy Coordinator Mobile: 07385413626* Email: rhyddian.knight@cyclinguk.org Web: www.cyclinguk.org *Please note mobile network has intermittent reception; WhatsApp or Signal apps best for communicating via this number.